Get Your Own TV Show on Roku!

Joy TV Network doesn’t take a percentage of your sales, offers the lowest cost and the best internet TV channel for attraction marketing.


create a story worth seeinG! 

Tell Your story,your waY…

Live Broadcasting, Programed,
& On-demand

Promote Yourself

With consistently highest rankings in social media exposure, Jeanette knows how to get you noticed. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, websites, books and blogs—you will be the buzz!
Lights! Camera! Success!

JOY TV Network

we help you  Lights! Camera! Success!

Previously, Joy TV Network was a social media YouTube channel. I was sitting by my computer as aways, got a phone message with a request to watch my friend’s video. When I clicked on the link, my phone asked if I wanted to see it on my TLC TV. My TV was off! Roku knew it was there. It’s so exciting to watch your friend’s great content on the big screen! Without annoying ads!

Get featured on Joy TV. Real Estate Professionals, Artists, Authors, & Musicians, see the Home Shows, Art Shows. and Music Shows to participate in and also create your own show. 

Are we having fun yet?

Joy Holidays

Bon JOYage!

Many English speaking countries go on holidays instead of vacations. I like that idea. Go on a holiday and share your quirky road trip or favorite destinations in a new TV SHow and blog dedicated to joyful holidays. We’ll set you up on Joy Holidays where you can add content (text, photo and/or video) with links back to your website. All content will be broadcat by @JeanetteJoy and others.

Watch those typos!

Joy Publications

Write more so people will read more.

Associate with JOY Publications and benefit from self-publishing without the stigma of being a self-publisher. We’re selective. You must have quality content. We provide free ISBNs and connect you to our book editors and designers if needed.

Content Marketing

JOY Publications owns over 100 niche websites. Get your name and business seen everywhere!